Contact Info
13700 US Highway 33
Nelsonville, OH 45764
- Toll-Free:
- 800-877-8339
- Phone:
- 740-753-0101
- Size:
- 8 acres
This pond or lake was named by 5th graders from the Poston Elementary School. The Forest held a contest to name the pond. The 5th grade class submitted names, and the York Township Trustees took the names and selected the winning entries. The child who had suggested the winning name said he chose it because "There are probably frogs in there and the lake is in the woods."
Other local names for pond, shown below, include: 5-acre pond and Avis Pond. The pond was the result of Avis Coal Company stripping the area.
Smallmouth Bass
Channel Catfish
Additional Details:
The grassy slopes around the lake have been planted in trees, which are visible in their beige tree shelters along the sloping banks. The eight acre lake has been mapped for depth by the Hocking College Fish and Wildlife Conservation Club. The water depth information is included in the map below.
The pond is in Hocking County. To get there from Nelsonville travel south on State Route 691 (about 1 mile), veer to the right on County Road 1 and travel about 2.5-3 miles. Turn right onto County Road 2. Go about 1 mile. Turn right onto Township Road 276.
There are no facilities at this time. Fish have not been stocked by the Ohio Division of Wildlife but local residents have stocked it and there are reported to be largemouth and smallmouth bass, bluegill, crappie, and channel catfish. Christmas trees have been placed in the pond to provide habitat for fish.