Contact Info
Nelsonville, OH 45764
- Toll-Free:
- 800-877-8339
- Phone:
- 740-753-0101
Lake Vesuvius was drained in January 2001 to make improvements to the dam and to recreational facilities. Fish that were in the lake were allowed swim out the outlet valve into Storms Creek. As of January 2004, water was once again in the lake.
The Ohio Division of Wildlife restocked the lake with largemouth bass and bluegill fingerlings in late March 2004. The fish were raised in Ohio Division of Wildlife hatcheries during 2003 and held over during the winter for this special stocking. At the time of stocking, the largemouth bass were running about 4 inches and bluegill were about 1-2 inches. There will be plenty of catch-and-release opportunities for the first couple years, and keepers should start showing up in the creel by the third year after stocking.
Channel catfish will also be restocked into the lake; sizes and numbers will depend on the availability of catfish at the state hatcheries. Catfish are generally stocked into the lake in the fall, every other year.
The Ohio Division of Wildlife has placed new bag (5 per day) and size limits (15 inch minimum) on Lake Vesuvius largemouth bass. Please consult the Ohio Fishing Regulations for more information.