Transportation information for Coshocton is provided below. Travel information includes driving directions, maps, airport information and more.
The nearest major airport is the Port Columbus International Airport located approximately 75 miles west of Coshocton. The airport is served by 23 airlines providing service to major destinations across the nation. Airlines such as Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines provide non-stop flights to major cities such as Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, New York City, Orlando, and many more. An alternate option is the Akron-Canton Airport located approximately 70 miles northeast. The airport provides non-stop daily flights to Atlanta, Boston, New York City, Orlando, and many more destinations on several airlines including AirTran Airways, Delta Connection, United Express, and Northwest Airlink.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Coshocton is approximately 75 miles east of Columbus and about 85 miles west of West Virginia's northern panhandle. Accessible via Rte. 36 from the west, the nearest interstate is I-77 about 20 miles east of the town.